Tuesday, December 10, 2013


‘Macbeth’ is a play written by Shakespeare and the play is centered on a brave soldier who was tempted by witches and persuaded by his wife to kill people in order to get the throne of Scotland.
The three witches were portrayed in different ways on stage though they are known as bad people.
Lady Macbeth is like Macbeth's partner in crime - she had persuaded him to do all this, thinking that it wouldn't be a big deal though further into the story, she was always haunted by King Duncan's murder.
At a party, when everyone passed out/fell asleep because of exhaustion, Macbeth killed King Duncan and Lady Macbeth put the blood on Duncan's son to make it look like they did it. When people found out about King Duncan's death, they were shocked. Duncan's children ran away to England, since people were thinking they did it. That leaves Macbeth, Duncan's cousin to earn his crown.

Banquo, Macbeth's friend suspected him of killing Duncan, which made Macbeth anxious. He sent a murderer to go and kill Banquo and his son, but his son ran away.

At the party, Macbeth hallucinated, seeing Banqos's ghost and went crazy - screaming. His wife tried to calm him down.

Macbeth went to see the witches again and they let him drink a potion. He saw crazy vision like beware of Macduff and all.

He sent people to go and kill Macduff's family but luckily, Macduff wasn't in Scotland so he wasn't killed though his family were killed.

He ran over to England to persuade Malcolm, Duncan's son to go get his throne back. He agreed and went back to scotland with 1000 soldiers.

Overwhelmed by guilt, Lady Macbeth killed herself.

He then had a show down with Macduff but he lost and died. Malcolm was then crowned king.


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