Sunday, December 15, 2013



- Lady Macbeth
- Macbeth
- Macduff
- Malcom

- Lady Macbeth: ambitious to kill people, for her husband to get the throne - power & money. Her ambition of killing the king blinds her, which she doesn't even know what she is doing. 
- Macbeth was ambitious to kill the king and get his throne + hide the fact that he murdered the king.
- Macduff persuaded Malcom to come back and get his throne back - determined to get revenge for his dead family.
- Malcom fought with Macbeth for his throne and won.

- The key moment of the story was when she told her husband to kill the king. That part of the story, reveals her true character and how ambitious and evil she was. Also when Macbeth sent someone to kill Banquo, his friend who suspected him of killing Duncan - it shows that he's determined to hide what he did.

- Context: During 11 century when the play was set in, kings were treated differently - more respected and no one dared to rebeled against the king as it would be like argueing with God. So this could be the reason for Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Malcom ambition.

- Witches 
- Lady Macbeth 
- Macbeth

- Macbeth listened to his wife and murdered King Duncan
- Witches tempted Macbeth - gave him magic potion + witches were seen as mean and bad people at the time the play was set in.
- Lady Macbeth was blinded by her ambition to have the throne all to her husband, she persuaded her husband to kill Duncan which made her husband a bad person as his axiety of people finding out he killed Duncan - making him killed his friend, Banquo.

- The key point in the play was when Macbeth killed the king, when he went to meet the witches again and when Lady Macbeth said 'A little water clears us of this deed' - it shows that after mudering someone, she couldn't careless about the king or what she did, she cares more about cleaning the blood off their hands to hide the fact that they killed Duncan - this shows she has no kindness nor guilt towards the king.

- Context: The play was set in 11 century, when people believed that witches were evil people - which means that Macbeth who interacted with witches would either slowly be turned into a bad/evil person or is already an evil person.

- Macbeth
- Lady Macbeth

- Macbeth was becoming crazy as he was afraid someone would know he killed the king - after sending someone to kill his friend, he had came to the witches and drank their magic potion, seeing weird visions afterwards. Also, after killing his friend, he kept on seeing Banquo's ghost and it drove him mad.
- Lady Macbeth was fine at first after her husband killed Duncan but soon, she was haunted by the murder - it drove her mad, making her end up committing suicide.

- The key point in the play was when Macbeth panicked at the party when he saw Banquo's ghost, making him look like a mad man. 

- Context: In 11 century, even though people believed in witches, they despised witches. So going to meet the witches and even drinking their potion would be considered a crazy thing to do. Also, seeing someone's ghost must be quite crazy

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